Hi everyone – Now that we have sorted teams the Spring and we are off and running, we wanted to provide an update on summer ball which is coming quickly. All age descriptions below are based on Little League Age.
Summer Registration – Due to summer league demands and supply chain issues we need to accelerate. No Exceptions if you miss the sign up window. Registration will run April 18-April 29th. All players must have been registered in Spring Baseball to play during the summer. We will be asking for your known vacation schedule during the summer during registration. The 10, 11 and 12 A teams all participate in State/Regional Tournaments running approximately June 24th – July 15th. It could extend beyond if the Team continues to win. Although we encourage time with families, expectation is baseball is prioritized during this time as not showing up has impacts to the rules of the games. You will also select your son’s shirt size during the registration process.
Teams & Levels by Age – there are some changes this summer and going forward given the changes to local leagues and rules around the area, while also providing the most competitive and fun approach for all skill levels
- 8’s 3 even level teams
- 9’s 1 A Team, 1B Team, 1 C Team (players combined with 10 year olds per league rules)
- 10’s 1 A Team, 1 B Team, 1 C Team (players combined with 9 year olds per league rules)
- 11’s 1 A Team, 1 B Team, 1 C Team (players combined with 12 year olds per league rules)
- 12’s 1 A Team, 1 B Team, 1 C Team (players combined with 11 year olds per league rules)
- 13/14 A/Tourney Team
- 13-15 Remaining even teams in Barnstormer
Maximum roster size will be 13 per team. If more than that sign up at an age group we will select the top 39 per age group.
Leagues & Tournaments – Each team will participate in a summer league and ideally at least 1 tournament.
- Suburban – Begin late June through early August– 11 & 12 Year old A & B Teams will play in this league. More dates to follow
- Hockomock – Runs from June 20th – July 22nd; Playoffs July 25-28th. 9 A&B, 10 A&B and 13/14 Tournament Team will playhere
- Barnstormer- All C Team ages and 13/15 Non Tournament Teams
- Friendship – All 8 year old teams play in this league
- Tournaments will be entered for ages 9-15 where applicable. Any additional tournaments will be incremental to summer fee and worked through with your coach
- 10-12A Teams will compete in the Massachusetts District/State Tournament
- Will be held at some point Sunday night May 22nd – Tuesday May 24th pending weather. Details to follow post registration. We will not hold spring games during those nights.
- Teams will be announced on the Walpole Little League website and considered final by June 3rd.
- All must indicate during the registration on the WLL Website and must have coached in the Spring Season (Head or Assistant)
- Head Coaches interested for summer, email Summer Coordinator (Larry Bongette and Kevin McNamara) and associated Player Agent by the deadline. Selection based on recommendation from Player Agent & Summer Coordinator with a subsequent Board approval.
- Head coach applicants for the A Teams need to name the 2 assistant coaches they would like to coach with this summer should their child make the team, or if it is an independent coach.
- Only 3 official coaches per team allowed for games in the dugout/bench, others can assist in practice.
- Assistant Coaches will be announced after roster selection
Please keep an eye out for registrations next Monday April 18th, as they will close April 29th.
WLL Board